The Longest, Darkest Night! Second Edition just released!

Dateline: Bickleton, WA September 2020
I heard from a Pacific Northwest home school mom today about how much she enjoyed reading, “The Longest, Darkest Night! to her son during the smoky days of September. “The dark sky and odd colored sun was sort of like a lunar eclipse,” she said.. And he understood fear the nocturnal animals felt, fear of the dark and the unknown. She said they sang the Song of Solstice together and it uplifted their spirits!
As a storyteller and the author, I am so glad the book is working in this way. Bedtime stories can lift children into a comfortable nurturing place where wisdom and knowledge can give way to a more relaxed pace of nature and the reliable grace of solar cycles.
Winter solstice is a special time for storytelling. It comes around every year and this story is about a lunar event shared by everyone. It’s a wonderful holiday gift for grandchildren aged 4 -7, who are interested in the moon and other things celestial. It’s loaded with STEM and STEAM stuff, too. Northwest illustrator Les LePere and I made it to be “entertaining education,” especially fun for older kids to read to their younger brothers and sisters. I wrote it as a performance piece for my live stage presentation. My picture book mentor suggested it would be a great picture book. And so it is! An easy-to-read aloud bedtime story and science picturebook about the Moon – with coloring pages! I tell you, I’m sooo excited to have this book available. I am updating the audiobook and it will be available at AUDIBLE and here, as will the ebook, which will be done in a few days…stay tuned!
Stay safe and alert,

Peter B. Lewis, storyteller
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